For example,me myself,given up on my study for SPM.Bukak buku 5minit je da bosan,Then bukak laptop online,main game and etc.Tidak dapat dinafikan,aku seorang yang cepat putus asa-haha.For my high school year,in form 4 and form 5,aku tak pernah hantar nota Civil Engineering or apa-apa notes lah.Kalau latihan tu sekali sekala jela hantar,tu pun nak sedapkan hati cikgu je.As a result,my SPM was dissapointing-haha.But chill,SPM is not everything,Ianya cuma medium untuk seseorang tu nak capai impian dia.Kalau nak jadi doktor,belajar la betul-betul.Take tuition class,do study group,focus in class.Stop online-ing 24/7,stop hanging out with friends.Dont worry,lepas SPM banyak masa boleh spend dengan kawan kawan.So,Never say never,if you wanna be successful,your effort towards it is really matters the most.So,kalau tak study for SPM,dont expect great results lah-haha.
Another example is,how to be successful in the business or corporates industries.Kalau nak start bisnes,mesti kena ada modal right?Mana ada bisnes dalam dunia ni boleh kaya tanpa kuar modal 1 sen pun.For example,the direct selling business,kalau rajin,kaya la,kalau malas tak dapat la income.What you work for is what you get.Kalau tak usaha nak dapatkan tender projek,takkan la employers nak datang cari kau kan?Rezeki ada di mana-mana,bergantung kepada kita nak cari or duduk rumah goyang kaki je-haha.
So,if you ask any celebrities or billionaires in the world,dorang takkan cakap kejayaan takkan datang dengan mudah.Mesti dorang akan hadapi masalah yang menimpa dalam proses sebelum berjaya tu.So,the moral of this post is YOU HAVE TO WORK TO REALLY GET WHAT YOU WANT IN YOUR LIFE.Dont rely too much on others to be successful.So,cheers and goodluck to all of you :)
p/s:harap maaf untuk bahasa rojak :)
cheers and good luck for you too boy ;DD